Aged Dependent Relative Visa

Australian EmbassyThe aged dependent relative visa is explained here. Very few people know about this visa which allows  some older people to move to Australia if they rely on an eligible relative (daughter, son) in Australia to provide financial support.​ This visa is used mainly to being older parents to Australia to live with their children in their old age. You will note this from the requirements for the Australian Aged Dependent Relative visa.

Aged Dependent Relative Visa

Note that this is a permanent visa which allows your parent to stay in Australia. This indefinitely as an Australian permanent resident. When in Australia she/he can also apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible) and he/she will be allowed to travel to and from Australia as a permanent resident.

Visa Requirements 

The visa takes longer to obtain than a marriage visa. This as this visa is not seen as a priority by the Australian government. Note that this visa is not for couple but for individuals. The requirements are as follows:

  • You are sponsored by a relative or their partner who lives in Australia;
  • You do not have a spouse or de facto partner;
  • Also you meet the dependency requirements;
  • You meet the age requirements;
  • You have someone who will provide an assurance of support;
  • Finally you meet health and character requirements.

The dependency requirements mean that you have to show that you are  wholly or substantially dependent on your family relative living in Australia for financial support for your basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. As for the age requirement you need to be 65 years or older to apply for this visa. See also the Remaining Relative Visa as well as the Australian Guardian Visa as can be seen on here.

Note that your Australian sponsor needs to be older than 18 and must be an Australian citizen or an Australian permanent resident. You need to speak to an immigration attorney as the documents collection could be very difficult and complex.

pdf-icon…….Application for migration to Australia by other family members

*** See the Remaining Relative Visa for another option available.



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