Australian Embassy in Croatia

Australian EmbassyZagreb is where you will find the Australian Embassy in Croatia. You can find their contact details below. There is also a map and an emergency number if you are in need of consular assistance. Australian visa application and Australian Migration has been added below.

Note that Australian visa applications are not done in Croatia and you will have to contact the visa centre located in Austria. Their details are listed on this website as it can be done online, in person or by mail.

Australian Embassy in Croatia

Australian Embassy in Croatia300shadow

Australian Embassy in Croatia

Centar Kaptol
Nova Ves 11, 3rd floor
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

Telephone: +385 1 4891 200
Facsimile: +385 1 4891 216

Embassy Office Hours

The Embassy will be open from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday except for public holidays both Australian and Croatian public holidays. Their counter hours for clients are from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Emergency call button

24 hour Emergency Only

Outside Embassy opening hours: Australians needing emergency assistance should call the 24-hour consular emergency service in Canberra on +61 2 6261 3305 or call the Embassy reception number which will link directly to Canberra on +385 1 4891 200.


Australian Visa and Migration

The Australian Embassy in Zagreb in Croatia does not process Australian visa or citizenship applications. If you are in Croatia then you will be pleased to note that the visa processing is undertaken electronically through the online ‘eVisa’ service, or by processing centres in Australia, or by the immigration office at the Australian Embassy in Vienna, Austria.

Visa Options



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