Australian Embassy Kuwait

Australian EmbassyThere is a map and the contact details for the Australian Embassy in Kuwait. You can contact the Embassy in Kuwait if you are having problems and in need of consular assistance. The Australian Embassy can assist you with a birth registration and also a public notary. Note that you need to make an appointment for access to the notary and there are charges for it.

Note that if you wish to apply for an Australian visa then the visa application centre is around the corner from the Embassy is Kuwait. See the map below for its location and also their contact details. You have the option of applying for a student visa to study in Australia or you can apply for a visitors visa which allows you to stay in Australia for 12 months at a time.

Also note that the office hours are much like other Embassies in the Middle East where they are closed on a Friday. This applies to all Australian Embassies in the Middle East such as the Embassies in Saudi Arabia as well a Dubai and Lebanon.

Australian Embassy Kuwait

Australian Embassy Kuwait300shadow

Dar Al-Awadi Complex (12th floor),
Ahmed Al-Jaber Street,
Sharq, Kuwait


Telephone : +965 2232 2422

Facsimile   :+965 2232 2430



Notarial Services:

The Embassy does notarial acts, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Sun to Thurs, for which fees are charged.

Opening Hours:

The Embassy will be open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Sunday to Thursday except for public holidays.


Australian Visa Application Centre

Australian Visa Application Centre300shadow
Level 25, Al Tijaria Tower,
Al Sharq, Al Soor Street,
Kuwait City, Kuwait

09:00 – 17:00 Sunday – Thursday
Submission: Until 16:00

Ramadan Working Hours and Days
09:30 -15:30 Sunday – Thursday
Submission until 14:30

Website Address:
Information Email ID: ,
For enquiries: helpline number is +971 4 205 5900


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