Australian High Commission in New Zealand

Australian EmbassyIf you are in New Zealand then you will find the Australian High commission located in Wellington. You will note the map below and their contact details. There is also an Australian Consulate in Auckland which is listed elsewhere on this website.

Note the office hours for the High Commissioner for passports being : Monday to Friday 9:00am to 12:30pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm. You can also ask for advice on an Australian visa such as a Fiancee Visa, Partner visa or a Visitors visa while in New Zealand. The High Commission can also offer Consular Assistance while you are in New Zealand.

Search this website for more information on consular assistance as well as Australian migration options.

Australian High Commission in New Zealand

Australian High Commission in New Zealand300shadow

Australian High Commission in New Zealand

72-76 Hobson Street
Wellington, New Zealand

Postal address

PO Box 4036

Telephone : +64 4 473 6411

Fax : +64 4 498 7103




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