Australian High Commission Pakistan

Australian EmbassyIf you are in Pakistan then getting to the Australian High Commission in Islamabad can be a challenge. Note the following warning from the Australian High Commission about getting to their offices in Pakistan: Access to the Diplomatic Enclave in Islamabad, where the High Commission is located, has been restricted by the Pakistani Government for security reasons.

Access by bus is from the Diplomatic Shuttle Service located on the 3rd Avenue (University Road) from Murree Road (2km from the Convention Centre). An office has been set up at the bus station to sell tickets and direct customers to the bus.

Access to the High Commission on foot or car is either from the Foreign Office gate entrance on Constitution Avenue, or from the Shams gate entrance on Ispahani Road. Access to the High Commission via foot or car is subject to prior entry clearance, obtained from DPD (Diplomatic Protection Department) through the High Commission. You will find all the Embassies in Pakistan located in the Diplomatic Quarter from Canadian Embassy, the British Embassy to the Thai Embassy in Pakistan.

Australian High Commission Pakistan

Australian High Commission Pakistan300shadow

Constitution Ave and Ispahani Rd,
Diplomatic Enclave, No. 1
Sector G-5/4, Islamabad, Pakistan

Postal Address:

PO Box 1046, Islamabad, Pakistan


+92 51 8355 500 (Switchboard)


  • +92 51 282 0112 (Admin/Consular)
  • +92 51 282 1150 (Immigration)
  • +92 51 282 0418 (Australian AID)


Opening Hours

The High Commission is open from:

08.00 am to 4.45 pm Monday to Thursday
08.00 am to 12.30 pm Friday


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